Looking to lean out and lose weight fast! Here are 10 specific things that you can do in order to lose body fat and get ready for that hot summer weather!
1) Meal Frequency – It is very important to eat every three hours even if you’re not hungry. Every time you eat a small meal you increase your metabolism. This is caused by your body using energy to break down the food (called Thermal effect of food)
2) Meal Composition - Each meal must be comprised of three main macronutrients – Carbohydrates/Proteins and Fats – Generally when trying to lean out and decrease body fat levels – protein is always increased in each meal as a protein molecule is more complex and takes more energy for the body to break down. This in turn increases your metabolism further due to your body increasing its own effort to break down protein.
3) Alkaline vs.; Acidity – Having a more toxic or acidic diet will stop you from losing weight and getting super lean. Most starchy carbohydrates are very acidic forming – for example potatoes, pasta, breads, red meat, wine - You should aim to alkalize the body by consuming more greens and vegetables. Every meal past 12 pm should be loaded with greens, like salads, kale, spinach, broccoli, etc, Th more you eat of these foods the more alkaline your body will become the easier you will lose weight
4) Nutrition Combination – Make sure that each small meal you have has more proteins then carbohydrates, and is rich in greens. For example – Spinach salad, green drinks, fruit smoothies with whey protein, egg salads, fish and spinach or fish and any type of greens.
5) Load up on Essential Fatty Acids – Speaking of fish, make sure you supplement with essential fatty acids. These essential fats are found in fish, but should be supplemented as well. Hemp oil is a great way to get your essential fats – It has the correct balance of essential fats and actually tastes great! Taking these fats will make sure you are not deficient in any of the good fats and will actually help your body burn off fat faster.
6) Releasing Sugars – Sugars increase insulin into the blood stream to help push down high blood sugar levels. Sugars should be eliminated from the diet to help keep blood sugar levels stable. This includes anything ending in ‘OSE” for example Lactose – which is milk and milk derivatives should be avoided. This included yogurt.
7) Water – Drink a minimum of 2-4 liters of water a day – Make sure that your urine is clear and that you do not feel thirsty. Water will help keep you full, release toxins from body, increase your metabolic rate and super charge your fat burning capabilities
8) Eat like a king in the morning and a pauper at night – In simple terms this means that your biggest meal is in the morning and your smaller meals are in the afternoon and night time. 6pm meals should be comprised of greens and a clean burning protein – I-e fish, salmon, eggs, etc
9) Carbohydrate Cycling – Refers to having high, medium and low carbohydrate intake days. Cycling carbohydrates helps lose weight by burning glycogen in the muscle and tapping into fat stores for energy. This is not endorsing a low carb lifestyle, but allows you to manipulate your carbohydrate levels based on your level of activity for the day. For example on workout days, try lowering intake of carbohydrates and then on recovery days, increase the carbohydrate intake to allow for adequate recovery of glycogen in the muscles.
10) Intuitive Nutrition – Basically this is getting in tune with your body and actually feeling what it needs. This may take some time to actually develop. This is a very instinctual type of eating which requires to really get to know how your body behaves and reacts to certain foods. – This can take some time to develop – but when you start to know your body very well – you will begin to hone what you are taking in, which will lead to better overall body compositional changes.
Nutrition and Exercise go hand in hand! Check out our stairclimbing meet-up groups to help you melt the fat away!
Till Next Time, Step Strong
Trevor Folgering
The Canada StairClimbing Association
Hello Trevor...Great blog! Re point #5, people should know that there is a new discovered source of essential fatty acids, mammalian omega 3. Most articles and blogs are pointing to fish but fish has a different molecular structure than us so it is not as effective as a mammalian omega 3. Auum Inc. produces the only raw whole sublingual formulation with vitamin D3 and vitamin A. Hey! It is a Canadian discovery and it works very well...Trevor, please share this with others. Share what happened to you. Best of health! Use the best for ultimate stair climbing ability! Cheryl Millett 416-413-0345 * 1-866-724-4747, www.omega3s4you.com