Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Techniques of StairClimbing

Just like running their are specific "Phases" in stairclimbing.

This brief article will take a look at the five different phases of stairclimbing

The basic phases of climbing stairs consist of:

1) The Catch Phase
2) The Stance Phase
3) The Drive Phase
4) The Recover Phase
5) The Upper Body Motion

The Catch Phase

Aptly named the catch phase due to the fact that one leg is lifted and is "caught" in mid air. The iliopoas, and psoas major, otherwise known as the hip flexors contract and help bring the leg into the correct position for the rest of the phases.

The Stance Phase

The Stance Phase is when initial contact of the foot is made on the stairs. The heel touches down on the stair and The Hamstrings and The Gluteus Maximus all begin to contract isometrically. We refer to this stage as The Stance Phase due to the fact that as the initial contact on the stairs is made elastic energy is stored in the Hamstrings and Glutes which is the key for the powerful drive phase.

The Drive Phase

The Drive Phase consists of the Hamstrings, Glutes and Quadriceps muscles all concentrically firing at once to propel the body upward. In this phase power is shifted from the lower body musculature through to the core of the body, (abdominals) and then transfered through to the upper body musculature making for an explosive movement.

Recovery Phase

The final stage of a stair climb movement is the recovery phase. This is where the climber has all the weight on the opposite leg and is just about to go back into the Catch Phase. This is aptly called the recovery phase since the climber may choose to rest in this position before beginning the Catch Phase.

Upper Body Motion

The Upper body is essential in climbing stairs. The core, upper back and arms all help propel the body up the stairs. It is essential to have a strong core, and upper body musculature. The upper body can assist greatly in developing a strong explosive stair climb movement. In the transition between the Stance Phase and the Drive Phase the power is moved through the core and shifted to the arms. The more powerful the upper body becomes the more the climber can forcefully ascend up the stairs.

To learn more about stairclimbing as a sport and recreational pursuit, visit our stairclimbing information page

To join a meet-up group in your city, visit our meet-up pages

Step Strong!

Trevor Folgering
The Canada StairClimbing Association

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Back to The Basics - Achieve Fitness Success in 2011 Part 3

With all the new technology that we posses in today's society, the basic fitness lessons have been lost in the dark.

The Ipad, Iphone, and all those cool apps that supposedly help you become more fit have really stopped individuals from achieving their true fitness potential.

It is time to get "Back to the Basics" when it comes to improving health and losing body fat.

In this installment of "Achieving Fitness Success in 2011" we will take a look at five basic lessons of fat loss and how you can implement them in your life quickly to produce quick, measurable results.

Lesson #1 - Turn on Your Fat-Burning Machine Naturally. To really burn body fat efficiently you must help your body become a fat-burning machine. The first lesson is get sufficient rest! The bodies fat burning capabilities are severely hampered when you do not get enough shut-eye. Not getting enough rest naturally slows down ALL chemical reactions in the body including burning fat. Aim for eight hours a night.

Lesson #2 - Eat More Often. By eating more often throughout the day you will increase all chemical reactions that happen in the body, including burning fat. You must think of the body as a wood burning stove, the more wood you put in the stove the hotter the fire gets. Strive to eat six times a day. These meals are small, and should take you five minutes to eat. Of course, make sure that you eat a balance of protein and carbohydrates at each meal.

Lesson #3 - Eat like a King for Breakfast and a Pauper in the Evening. Your biggest meal should be in the morning. As you get through the day the metabolism naturally slows down, so to should you slow down with your food intake. Any meals after six pm should be comprised of salads and some type of protein. (Chicken and salad)

Lesson #4- Strength Train for Increased Fat-Burning. Strength Training naturally pulls your body into a fat-burning state! WHY? Because muscle is active tissue and requires additional nutrients to sustain itself. This means that the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will become, and the more calories you burn at rest.

Lesson #5 - Workout Smarter, Not Harder. Back to Basics Training says the most efficient workout is one that takes 45 minutes or less. StairClimbing produces amazing results in a short amount of time. The amount of calories that are burned in stairclimbing is really amazing!

A 140 lb female at a height of 5 foot 6 can expect to burn 840 calories in an hour.
A 185 lbs male at a height of 6 foot one can expect to burn 1160 calories in an hour

This means that stairclimbing will burn over 2500 calories for a women and almost 3500 calories for a man!

A pound of body fat that accumulates is equal to consuming an additional 3500 extra calories in a week. So as you can see, stairclimbing helps burn almost one pound of bodyfat a week!

Talk about getting back to basics, one step at a time!

Forget the high tech fads, begin a stairclimbing routine and you will be amazed at the results that are produced!

Learn more about StairClimbing meet-up groups in your city!

Till next time, Step Strong!

Trevor Folgering
The Canada StairClimbing Association

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

StairClimbing Benefits Runners for Maximum Results

Are you an runner and want to improve your performance? Are you entering a 10 km race, half marathon or marathon? Do you want some variety in your training workouts? Looking for a different type of "hill" training?

Stairclimbing is such a great tool for runners of all different calibers to improve their overall performance. Whether you are a beginner or advanced runner you will benefit from adding a stairclimbing workout to your training routine once or twice a week.

Maximize Your Running Potential

What makes a good runner great? It is not more running. In fact running too much may lead to overuse injuries and stress fractures which many runners over the years have faced. The key is to train smarter, and more efficiently.

In the lower body there five primary muscles that are used they are:

The quadriceps femoris (Front of the leg)
The hamstring (Back of the Leg)
The gluteus maximus - (Butt Muscles)
The iliopsoas (Also known as the hip flexors)
The calf muscle

Analysis of muscle activity during running action has shown that the quadriceps are the predominant muscle during the "drive" phase and the hamstrings are most active during the second half of the stance phase. This suggests that strength in the hamstrings helps to maintain a full stride even when an athlete is tiring, supporting the idea that strength can help delay fatigue. Generally speaking in most athletes the hamstrings are the weakest primary muscle in the lower body.

Stairclimbing aids in building strength around the Hamstrings and the Gluteus Maximus muscles.

For example when climbing a set of stairs an athlete would place their foot on the second step of a staircase. The athlete would push forcefully with the heel of the foot which will automatically contract the hamstring muscles and glute muscles.

***The athlete must concentrate on driving from the heel of the foot, not the toe. Pushing off from the toe automatically changes the mechanics of stairclimbing, and places more muscle contraction on the quadriceps.***

This means that stronger hamstrings should result in a longer more efficient stride with less tiring for the athlete.

Explosive Power when Running

To be an amazing runner an athlete must build up both types of muscle fibers. Athletes are blessed with two types of muscle fibers, Type 1 and Type II.

Type II muscles generate short bursts of explosive strength.Fast twitch fibers generally produce the same amount of force per contraction as slow muscles, but they get their name because they are able to fire more rapidly. Having more fast twitch fibers can be an asset to a runner since the athlete needs to quickly generate a lot of force over long distances.

Stairclimbing allows the athlete to build up the Type II muscle fibers, since at its very core stairclimbing uses approximately seventy percent Type II muscle fibers.

Check out Olympic Athletes training for their sport using stairclimbing:

Ready to become a better runner??? Join us at our Stair climbing meet-up group!

Ready to really challenge the body? Register for our Regina Stair Climb for Shelter happening March 13th 2011!

We look forward to making you a more stronger runner!

Trevor Folgering
The Canada StairClimbing Association

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Achieve Fitness Success in 2011 Part 2

Welcome back!

In this ongoing series we will take a look at how you can achieve all your fitness goals in 2011 and really vitalize and energize your body.

In the last blog we talked about the five mistakes that people make when trying to get fit and healthy. In part two we take a look at different success strategies that will make a huge difference in your health for 2011.

Step #1 Setting Yourself Up For Success

Many people do not get the results they are after because they fail to plan out exactly how they are going to lose body fat and increase their health.

Remember this: "If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail."

It is critical before you even start exercising, climbing stairs or lifting weights, that you PLAN! Just like the general who plans his strategy as he leads his army into war, so must you plan your strategy for losing bodyfat.

This is a necessary step and one that must be done before any success will be obtained.

Step #2 Goals: Shaping the Subconscious

When the topic of goal-setting comes up most people turn a blind eye to this process, or they get stuck in what I call the "New Years Syndrome." They write down their New Years Resolutions" and follow them for a few weeks and then the goals go in a drawer somewhere, forgotten until the end of the year when the cycle starts all over again.

Goal setting works, it is not magic or voodoo. However goals must be reviewed weekly or daily and changed if necessary.

Setting goals correctly will shape the subconscious in believing that you have already achieved the goal. You first must visualize the end result and believe that you have achieved your fitness goals.

You subconscious cannot distinguish from what is fiction and what is reality. Therefore if you already in your minds eye strongly believe you are 20 lbs lighter and more healthy your subconscious will help you move towards the end goal more quickly.

Step #3 Develop Your Team

One of the most important steps in achieving your fitness goals for 2011 is to develop a strong support team. You have to realize that even with all the best nutritional strategies and training programs you will ultimately come across stumbling blocks or obstacles. A strong support team will help you overcome these obstacles and push you towards fitness success.

Who is on your support team? Here is a brief list

1) A supportive family member.
2) A supportive friend
3) A fitness coach
4) A group of other individuals who are striving towards the same goals.

The key here is to surround yourself with like minded people who all share similar goals and will support you on your fitness journey just as you will support them on theirs.

Step #4 - Get Started TODAY! (Do not wait till January 1st 2011)

The key in all of this is in two single words: Personal Power. Personal Power means your ability to take action! All of this information is useless unless YOU take action!

If you are reading this blog you are one of the few who want to change their fitness for the better, however you must now ACT!

Start today! Do not wait till January 2nd 2011!

Here are three action steps to take RIGHT NOW!

1) Clean out the cupboards - Get rid of all the processed foods and junk that you have in the house. (Hint - 99 percent of food that is in boxes is processed and is garbage for the body)
2) Replace with healthy fuel! Food is fuel for the body, the problem is that we are feeding our bodies diesel fuel instead of premium gasoline! Go to the grocery store and purchase lean cuts of poultry, fresh vegetables, fruits, lean cuts of meat, slow burning carbohydrates like oatmeal, brown rice and yams. If you need a helping hand with this email us and we will send you some information regarding nutrition
3) Join a fitness meet-up group in your area. A fitness meet-up group is an excellent way to start on the road to fitness. When you join our meet-up groups you will be surrounding yourself with individuals who have the same goals as you do, and will support you and help you get to your fitness goals. Individuals in a meet-up group provide accountability and support!

Here are two of our meet-up groups that you can join!

In our third installment for "Achieving Your Fitness Goals in 2011" we will take a look at the process of setting goals!

Stay Tuned!

Trevor Folgering
The Canada StairClimbing Association

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Achieve Fitness Success in 2011 Series

Welcome Back!

This is Trevor Folgering, I am the founder of The Canada StairClimbing Association.

Today I want to talk to you about a very important topic and that is setting and achieving fitness goals. If your reading this we are quickly approaching or are in 2011.

Many people have set or are setting fitness goals in hopes that this year will be the year that they will lose all that weight and increase their health.

Unfortunately many people will fail at achieving their fitness goals. Why?

Well there are five mistakes that people make that stop them from achieving fitness success.

In achieving fitness success their are simple strategies that when followed produce great results.

Listen, getting fit is not magic, there are no secrets that fit people have that make them healthy. But there are strategies that fit people do that when applied properly will give them great results.

These next series of blogs and videos will show you what a fit person does in order to get themselves to lose weight, increase their energy and have a incredible body!

Lets first talk about the mistakes:

1) Your fitness goals are more then a wish list.

Its is important to realize that you cant just wish to have a great body, or wish you could lose weight, you must take specific actions. Many people wish they had a million dollars as well and it never happens! You can't just wish you were thinner and expect to wake up one morning and have the weight be gone!

2) Your fitness goals are dirty!

Which means your fitness goals are as clear as mud! You must be able to create specific fitness goals that are clear and concise! Just saying I want to lose weight is not specific enough. Just like a combination lock or a phone number you must have the specific digits or combination of numbers to get the result you are after. If the numbers are off just by one digit, nothing works!

3) Your goals are HOT!

I mean you goals are hot air! You may have a specific goal but now you must draw up a map in order to achieve those fitness goals! You can just say I want to lose 20 lbs this month, you must create a detailed action plan to how you will do it.

4) You have no effective map

The most critical aspect after setting a goal is to have a map or a detailed plan to help you through the obstacles, challenges and pitfalls of losing weight. Many people start! They start diets, they buy gym memberships, they start exercising, they start eating healthy. In fact STARTING in not most peoples problem! Staying, continuing and finishing is!

5) No support system!

Losing weight can be a challenge. You must find the resources, people and support systems that will help you on track!

The next blogs and videos will show you ways in which to achieve your fitness goals FASTER THEN YOU EVER THOUGHT POSSIBLE!

Stay tuned!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Living Your Life with Gratitude

As we enter the holiday season it is important to realize that we must live in gratitude for all that we have. When you live in gratitude miracles can happen to you and the people around you.

Living in gratitude is much more then being kind or saying "Thank-you." It is a way of living that lets you help others who are in need and suffering.

Being in gratitude helps you understand that there are people in this world that are much worse off then you are.

Are problems are so small compared to others in this world. We are so lucky to live in this country called Canada.

Do you know that in other parts of the world there are beggers at every single corner? Not only that but there are children who beg for money or food. What is even more astonishing is that these children have had one or more of their fingers cut off by their parents to make them better beggers.

It really is jaw dropping to think that these cruelties do happen in other parts of the world.

Thats why I think its best if we all take care of each each other the best way we know how. Be kind, considerate and most importantly give back. Donate your time, your heart and your spirit to good causes. Homeless shelters, food banks. Be of service to your fellow human beings.

It is the only way to make this world a better place.

I found that one of the real reasons we are here is to develop our talent so that we can give back to the world.

So really today I want you to be thankful and live in gratitude for all that you have and all that you are! Love yourself and others! Let that love shine out and let it be felt by others.

Let others feel your love, and gratitude. Be genuine in your actions!

Start to do this in your life and you will receive miracles!

Happy Holidays!

Trevor Folgering
The Canada StairClimbing Association

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Happy Holidays Newsletter

Hi Everyone!

Please enjoy the year end newsletter for The Canada StairClimbing Association. We look forward to having a successful 2011 with you by our side!

Enjoy the holidays and please do not drink and drive!

Trevor Folgering

Issue #2 Newsletter December 19th-31st/2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

New Stair Climbing Meet up Group - Stepping Into Better Health!

Hi everyone!

2010 is over. Did you achieve all your fitness goals in 2010? Did you lose all the weight you wanted? Did you gain all the energy that will transform you life and push your physical body to the next level? Are you happy with your present physical condition?


If you answered no to many of these questions then its time to get serious in 2011. It is never to late to begin an exercise program!

You have the potential to be lose the body fat, gain the confidence and self-esteem that you have always wanted, have an abundance of energy and of course look super lean and fit!

The Canada StarClimbing Association is here to help you reach your true physical potential in 2011. It is YOUR time to achieve the body and fitness that you DESERVE!

Yes you DESERVE to be physically fit and healthy! If you are not where you want to be physically then you are short-changing yourself!

Its time to make a change!

Welcome to the world of stairclimbing!

StairClimbing is one of the most fastest ways to get in shape! Stairclimbing for 30 minutes 3x a week will SLICE through bodyfat!

Now you can join our meet-up groups happening in YOUR CITY.

Our first one is in Regina, Saskatchewan at the Delta Hotel! Which will begin on January 10th 2011! Now is the time to get fit and healthy!

Check out our stair climbing group here:

Make the conscience step in getting what you really DESERVE this year! Make 2011 the year to "Step Into Better Health!"

Your Fitness and StairClimbing Guru
Trevor Folgering
The Canada StairClimbing Association

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Squats for better Stair Climbers

Good Day Stair Climbing Fans.

One of the best way to improve your stair climbing is not climbing more stairs! Many people think that the way to improving in their sport is to play the sport more and more.

To some degree this is true. Obviously to be as great as Andre Agassi in tennis you need to spend many hours on the court. However he also had to work hard off the court as well.

Therefore to be a great stairclimber requires time spent away from the stairs and at the gym.

Did you know the best way to improve your stairclimbing is to squat? Squatting develops overall power and endurance in the quadriceps, hamstrings, butt and core.

However most people do not squat correctly and therefore do not get the full benefits of squatting properly.

Another mistake people make when squatting is to load too much weight on the bar and only do half or quarter squats. While your ego will get a stroking, your body will not.

I found the best way to develop explosive muscles from squats is full depth squats with your ass to the grass!

Many people have a fear of squatting low because they think it will hurt their knees or low back. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The opposite is true. doing half squats with too much weight will actually cause more damage to the knees and low back then full range of motion squats with the correct weight.

Here is the best way to do squats:

First you need to elevate your heels on a board. The idea behind elevating your heels on a board is to increase the range of motion in th squat.

Now the number one reason why most people cannot get perform full range squats is their hip flexors are so tight that the muscles prevent them from going down to the floor. If this is you, you need to stretch more!

If you do have the range of motion that allows you to go down to the floor then thats great!

Make sure tokeep your toes slightly pointed out so that you can really hit your Vastus Medialis (tear drop muscle)

Now go all the way down. Do not use any weight at this point. Make sure that you slowly start to lower yourself down using a 4 count. Pause at the bottom for one second and the drive yourself back up for one second.

Make sure your back is straight and your chest is up, never look down in the movement as you will round out your back.

Really make sure you go down to the bottom slowly and pause! After four reps your quads should be on fire!!

Start to add wait by holding dumbbells in your hands. This is safer and more effective then a barbell on your back.

Try this squatting technique for a month and your stair climbing times will get faster and faster!


Trevor Folgering
The Canada StairClimbing Association

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Do It With Them!

It is really important in todays age to be a good role model for children. Did you know that one in two children are overweight and are at risk for becoming diabetic?

Many doctors are actually seeing children that are developing Type II Diabetes at the age of 10! Shocking, since the majority of people who develop Type II Diabetes are over the age of 50!

So what can we do to help the health of our future generations?

First and foremost you have to be a role model! You cannot just tell your kids to exercise. You must show them how to exercise and teach them how to live a healthier lifestyle.

Kids learn by observing what we as adults do. They want to emulate adults in many different ways. You as the adult have great control over your own actions which will either positively or negatively effect you child's behavior.

For example: Do you eat a healthy breakfast in the morning, or are you so rushed that you do not have time to feed yourself. This will reflect back on your children. They will see you not eating breakfast and model your behaviors.

Therefore take time in the morning to cook a solid breakfast for yourself and your children. They will learn through action that breakfast is the most important part of the day. In addition it will be great bonding time in the morning.

When it comes to exercise do you TELL your kids to exercise, or do you SHOW them how to exercise.

When I say show them, it doesn't have to be a complex workout routine. It can be a simple as playing a physical game with your children like tag. It can also be walking the dog with your children, or it can be actually doing a workout with your children.

If you become a positive role model of health and nutrition for your children then they will emulate those actions and behaviors back onto themselves.

What is the secret to getting our future generations healthy and fit? The Secret??? ....Do it With Them!

Till Next time...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Stair Climbing Overview

Brought to you By

Stair climbing uses a combination of anaerobic and aerobic systems that challenges your ability to sustain endurance, stamina and posture. Climbing up the stairs trains production of force; climbing down the stairs trains your ability to control force and speed deceleration, which uses a different movement pattern than going up. You can use almost any stairs in any environment, such as in an office building, college or park.

Step 1

Climb up a flight of stairs by placing one foot on each step. Go up at a rate of one step per second. Pump your arms naturally as you do so.

Step 2

Turn and climb back down the stairs without rest after you have reached the top. Go down at a rate of one step per second. Keep your spine tall.

Step 3

Rest for 20 to 30 seconds at the bottom of the stairs, and repeat the exercise for three to four sets. Increase the rate to two steps per second once you have become proficient with the one-second rate.

Two Step Bound

Step 1
Bound up the steps two at time at one bound per second. Lean forward slightly as you bound. Pump your arms naturally to help you maintain balance and strength.

Step 2
Turn and climb down the stairs one step at a time as quickly as you can after you have reached the top.

Step 3
Rest for 60 seconds and repeat the exercise for three more sets.

Upward Crawl

Step 1

Place your hands on the second or third step from the bottom, and place your feet at together at the bottom of the step.

Step 2
Bring your right foot to the first or second step, depending on your body length and flexibility, and put your left hand on the next higher step.

Step 3

Repeat the pattern with the opposite leg and hand as you crawl up to the top. Keep your spine in a neutral position, maintaining your natural curves.

Step 4

Stand up when you reach the top of the stairs. Turn and climb down the stairs on your feet as fast as you can. Rest for 60 seconds, and repeat the drill three more times.

Tips and Warnings
Climbing and bounding up and down stairs requires a high range of motion in your hip and legs joints and stability in your trunk and spine for balance. Warm up your joints by moving them in their full range of motion before doing any stair climbing.
Do not hunch your back or shoulders when performing stair-climbing exercises. Not all stairs have the same height, width or number of steps. Find a flight of stairs that you can do without hurting yourself. If the height is too high, you may place too much stress upon your joints. If the height is too low, it may not be challenging enough for more advanced exercisers.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Time to Start StairClimbing For Real!!!!

Well It is close to New years and you know what that means right?

The start of a new healthy lifestyle! The best way to start a healthy lifestyle is to set out some great fitness related goals to achieve!
One of these goals can be complete a Stair Race here in Regina! Stair Climbing is such a great way to get fit and lose body fat! Just ask some of our members how they feel after only three weeks of climbing stairs! They feel phenomenal! Now itr your turn!

Here is your challenge! I challenge you to sign up for our stair climbing meet-up groups and start training for our Stair Climb Race happening March 13th 2011!

Our StairClimbing Meet-up group meets three times a week, Sunday, Wednesday and Friday!

For complete details check out this link:

Once you have gotten a spot in the stairclimbing meet up group, its times to register for our race!

By the way you should do it sooner then later! WHY? Because if you sign up now then you cannot back out of your training and you will have to train and get in shape. (Because there are also no refunds!) :)

So here is the link to sign up!

So what is a stair climb race all about?

Well, The race takes place inside the Delta Hotel stair well. The Stair well is comprised of 400 steps or 25 stories. Depending on your fitness level you may choose to race up the stair well once, or try the multiple climb challenge if you are a die hard fitness fanatic!

This is also a great way to support an amazing charity, The Shelter Foundation! This charitable organization helps women who have been or currently are in abusive relationships.

So come on and join the sport that is changing the way people get fit and lose bodyfat forever!

For detailed information on our Organization, please visit:

Trevor Folgering
The Canada StairClimbing Association

Friday, December 3, 2010

Get Fit Fast With Our Fitness Tips of The Month

Tip of the Month for December 2010


Learn to connect with the spiritual side of fitness. The spiritual side of fitness is the connection that bridges our physical self with the emotional/mental aspect of fitness. Spiritual Fitness is the connection that you have within yourself that resonates through physical pursuits. If you can develop your spiritual fitness levels then training takes on a higher meaning for you and the work that you put into your training will seem effortless.


Do you know that fish oils are not ideal for the human body? Mostly due to the chemical structure of the fish molecule, we cannot convert Omega 3 fish oils into usable forms of essential fatty acids! The best essential fatty acids are found from two sources which are either plant based or mammal based sources. Both are found to have great benefits to the human body.


You are no better then your weakest link. Make sure to get to the gym and work the following muscles: Glute Maximus (butt) Adductors and Abductors (Inner and outer thigh muscles) Glutes Minimus (Side of the hip responsible for abducting the thigh, when the limb is extended, and is principally called into action in supporting the body on one limb) Stair Climbing involves pushing from one limb to the other in rapid succession while moving the center of gravity upwards. Not working these muscles at all will lead to slower stair climbing times.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mind Over Body

Getting to that next level of fitness can be challenging. Whether your a beginner, elite or someone in between.

Pushing your body to the next level requires commitment to nutrition, consistent workouts and one other important link in the puzzle.


The Power of the Mind is so critical it cannot be over-stated. I get a lot of questions about how to lose weight, get faster, stronger and healthier. What I realized throughout my eleven years as a fitness professional is that the reason most people cannot lose the weight, or get themselves up at 5 am to workout, or to push themselves to that next level is because they have something that is called...

"Stinkin thinkin"

Too many people have these negative thoughts in their head that it limits the body from producing the physical result that you are after!

Remember this "What your mind can believe, you can achieve"

It is so important to visualize the end result that you are after. This is because the subconscience cannot differentiate what is visualized in the mind and what is real.

So if you are constantly thinking that your body is lean, that you can workout hard for as long as you want to, that your losing fat every day and you picture what your body will look like, then your subconscience mind will already think its real and you will eventually get to your goal!

The mind is the most powerful human muscle in the body! So use it to its fullest potential!

Monday, November 29, 2010

The End of the Year Fitness Resolution

End of the year resolution? Don't you mean New year's resolution?

Well actually,no.

Now that we have officially ended Thanksgiving (Both in the United States and in Canada) people tend to start swinging into the holiday season pretty quickly. Well maybe for the gentlemen out there they wait till December 24th! But generally speaking most people start to prepare for the holiday season mid to late December.

So what do most people do for the holiday season? Are there more responsibilities and stress at the Holidays? Are you having more parties then usual?? Yes! (Especially those work parties, where you get to see your Boss looped, which makes it so much more fun!)

Seriously thou, the point of all of this is that usually there is so much more stress and responsibilities during the holiday season that we end up NOT WORKING OUT ANYMORE! Which is not the right thing to do.

Going to the gym actually relieves stress and helps boost your immune system! So really now is not the time to kick the workouts to the curb.

What you must do is have a "End of the Year Fitness Resolution" You must resolve that you will stick to your current workout strategy no matter what!

This way you will have ample energy to get all the shopping and baking done and still have enough energy to go to a few holiday socials :)

Working out also decreases stress, which there is plenty of during the holiday season which as you are well aware of.

So this year really plan to stick with a workout program through the holiday season!

The best time to workout during the holiday season? In the morning as soon as you get up! This way you will rev up your bodies metabolic rate, and kick start the day by having an amazing workout!

We hope you begin a "Year End Fitness Resolution" this year!

Stay Healthy!

The Canada StairClimbing Association

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Get yourself into PEAK STATE!

Good day everyone!

Today I want to share with you some insights on staying motivated in and outside of the gym. How you can instantly keep yourself on track and in the right state of mind so that you can achieve all your fitness goals!

This blog is not about goal setting, or writing what you want to accomplish down on paper. What I want to talk about is your actual mind-body connection and how you can change your physiology instantly so that you can become super focused and stay on track!

Many people have a tough time sticking to a workout routine. They either do not get the results they are after, or find going to the gym a chore. There are lots of other rationalizations or justifications that people will use, and they usually are centered around the concept of time. i.e - do not have enough time to exercise.

This can all be overcome by actually changing our physiology (The way we function)
Changing our physiology is really fairly simple, but demands a good amount of concentration. When applied correctly we can get ourselves to do ANYTHING! Especially working out!

First close your eyes! I want you to go back and remember a time when you were doing something you loved to do. It could be anything: visiting a friend, going for a walk with the dog, going for a hike, or maybe it was going for coffee.

I want you to try to remember what it felt like to do this certain task. Try to remember the feelings that are associated with the task. Did you feel copious amounts of pleasure? What were the things that you were doing an saying to yourself that made it so easy to complete?

As you are thinking back do you feel your state change? Do you feel your physiology change?? If you really enjoyed the task that you are thinking about then I hypothosis that your physiology is changing!

You are getting yourself into "Peak State"

Peak state simply refers to changing your bodies physiology to a very high level.

In order to follow through on your fitness goals, you must get your mind and body into peak states. You must feel pleasure when going to the gym, not pain, and you must be able to do this on a continuous basis.

First you must have do and say things that actually get you into a peak state.

For myself its music. Once I have my earphones in my head, I am lost in my own little world. There have been many times in the gym when I just start dancing and moving with the music in my head. Of course to the curious observer this seems very absurd, however I am getting myself into peak state.

Another thing that gets me into peak state is a quick 2-3 minutes of visualizations. I train every morning at 5:30 am. My routine is always the same. Get up, change into my clothes, Drink Green tea, have a protein shake, then sit for 2-3 minutes with my eyes closed and actually visualize myself getting stronger, climbing stairs faster, having more speed and more agility in the gym, losing the body fat and feeling fantastic. Two to three minutes is enough to get me pumped and ready to fly out the door.

This process is very powerful! As the saying goes, where the mind goes the body will follow.

One last suggestion is to find something that works for YOU! You may need to experiment and find out what really excited you and makes you want to work out. Maybe its a picture of your kids and the the thought of you not being here because you didn't take care of yourself will push you to the gym. Or maybe you need to do something physical like jump up and down and scream, I am lean mean fat burning machine! As silly as you may works! It absolutely works!

If your an avid person who is working out, why don't you share some of your tips and ideas on how to get into a peak state for working out, so others can benefit from your experience! Leave your comments below! Thanks!

Till next time!!

Trevor Folgering
The Canada StairClimbing Association

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Three Months From The 2011 Regina Stair Climb For Shelter

Well this event is just over three months away and I hope that you have started training for it even if its on the stepper at the gym. You really do not need to do any stair climbing for this event but it would help.

For information regarding training for a stair race WITHOUT climbing stairs, check out out other blog entries.

For those of you who want to start training for this event on actual stairs we have a stair climbing meet up group that meets every Sunday night at 5:00 and Wednesday night at 5:30. The cost is really inexpensive; a yearly membership to the Canada StairClimbing Association. The cost is only 45.00. If you do not want to purchase a membership it is 20.00 a climb with a minimum of a five climb sign up.

To purchase a membership please go here

To register for the 2011 Regina Stair Climb For Shelter go here

The Race promises to be an exciting event, filled with entertainment for audience members viewing the race and great prizes for participants climbing the stairs.

For further information regarding the race and all the details please visit our events page

Please also follow us on facebook and hit the LIKE buttons as well :)

Here are our facebook pages:

The 2011 Regina Stair Climb For Shelter Community


The Canada StairClimbing Association

Please support this wonderful Charity that helps fight for women who are in abusive relationships. Come down on March 13th 2011 and climb some stairs for an amazing charity!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us

or by Phone


Hope to see you soon!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Canada's Food Guide, Fresh or Fowl????

Canada's Food Guide teaches us to eat healthy! Or does it?? There has been a lot of debate about The Canada's Food Guide over the past decade, and rightly so. In this blog I will discuss and explain why Canada's Food Guide may not be the best option for you in order to get your body to a healthy state!

(Dieticians, please accept my apologies what you will read I KNOW you will not agree with it.)

Reading the Food Rainbow, What does it all Mean?

Yes that colorful rainbow! How wonderful! Here is what the Canada's Food Guide tells us:

Depending on your age and gender you should be eating 8-10 servings of fruits and vegetables, 3-8 servings of Grain products, 2-4 servings of milk and Alternatives and 1-3 servings of Meat and Alternatives.

Ok in my opinion and in a lot of other health professionals opinions this is really backwards thinking in nutrition.

First the positive:

Vegetables are first on the list! Yes, vegetables are important! They are choked full of vitamins/minerals and are of low calorie composition. However in my opinion that is not the number of food choice on the list.

Meats and Alternatives should be on the top of the list. WHY? Fist and foremost Protein in meats and alternatives are extremely complex for the body to break down speeding up the metabolic processes of the body. It takes 9 calories to break down 1 gram of protein and 4 calories to break down a carbohydrate. So gram for gram protein in its leanest form is what you need to be focusing on.

In addition protein is the building blocks for all active tissue in the body. The more active tissue you have (muscle) the better your body performs and the higher your metabolic rate goes (Metabolism = all chemical reactions in the body)

I would put Meat and alt as 6-8 servings per day!

Next: Fruits and Vegetables. Great! Eat as many vegetables as you want. Do you know that 16 cups of lettuce is equal to 1 cup of Pasta in terms of calories! You can never go wrong with combining a salad and a chicken breast together, along with Feta cheese, and some olives you have the perfect meal!!

Grain Products: Do you realize that we have been told stay away from fat! Fat is bad and will make you fat! Well we did that and our society got even FATTER!! Answer to this is that in lowering our consumption of fats we increased our consumption of grains! Grains, breads and cereals etc should be limited in the diet. Your body has a overabundance of stored carbohydrates in the muscle and liver. Your body can run very well if you limit your carbohydrate intake and increase your healthy fat intake and protein intake! As a society we EAT TOO MANY CARBOHYDRATES!!!

Milk and Alternatives: Get rid of this category PLEASE!!! Do you realize that we are the only mammal to drink other mammals milk???? Milk is NOT good for the body no matter in what form. First many people are lactose intolerant, they lack the correct enzyme to break down milk, which should give you the first clue that milk is no good. Second milk is pure SUGAR, and very little protein. SUGAR makes us fat. hmmmm are you seeing the connection?? In addition they have SOY listed on the food guide!! SOY actually increases estrogen levels in both men and women! Increasing estrogen levels leads to CANCER!!! In my opinion we have been bombarded by advertising that milk "does a body good" when in fact it has been making us overweight, sluggish, fat and in some cases sick. Stop drinking MILK!!!!

Fats - Its unfortunate that they do not have an official category for Fats. Fats in the right form actually help the body shed weight, lower bad cholestrol levels increase good cholestrol levels and also can help you become mentally sharper and have more focus in the day!! The key is to actually eat the right fats and decrease the fats that the body does not need. Here is some news to, your body NEEDS saturated fats, but in small amounts! You can have whole eggs! I have 6 whole eggs a day and my cholestrol is excellent! I have eaten bags of cashews and nuts at a time and have NEVER gained an ounce of fat.

There are food that heal and foods that kill! I hope I have outlined why it is important not to stick with the Canada's Food Guide and how you can better make choices that will serve your health instead of destroying it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Yesterday I showed you a video of what exactly it means to have a weak core! Remember the jello cube which represented a weak core???

Well become a member now and see a dynamite exercise that will help improve your core strength and your upper body strength all in one simple move!! (Ok its not THAT simple!)

Become a member NOW!

Trevor Folgering
The Canada StairClimbing Association

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Regina Stair Climb Race Logistics Explained HERE!

So for all of our participants and athletes that are In Tier 2,3 and 4 I would like to quickly give you a visual description of how the race will be run and how you will enter and exit the stairwells.

I will be uploading a blueprint of the Delta Hotel's blueprint of the second floor and convention area so all of you have a clear idea of what to do on race day!

So the race will begin just beyond the elevators on the second floor. You will see the stairwell doors just beyond this point. All athletes will be lined up just outside the stairwell doors.

You willl see the chip timer station at the doorway and this is where your actual chip timer will go off, as you enter the stair well.

When you enter the stairwell, you will go down a short flight of stairs. (approx 6 steps)

Turn left and proceed up to the third floor, continue climbing until you get to the 25th floor!

When you get to the 25th floor, proceed through the door, your chip timer will automatically stop timing at this point, TURN LEFT!!! Turning right will automatically disqualify you from the race

You will pass pop machines on your left as well as the elevator, as you pass the elevator the stairwell entrance to go back down to the start is on your left.

Proceed through this door and go back down to the second floor. (This stairwell numbering is colored in YELLOW!

When you get to the second floor level, proceed straight and then you will climb a short set of stairs. (approx 6 steps) You will then see a door straight ahead of you! Proceed through this door and turn right!

The entrance to the RED stairwell is straight ahead of you!

Once you enter into the RED stairwell your chip timer will start up again!

Complete the designated number of rounds for your Tier!

Once you have finished your rounds and you make it back to the 25th floor for the last time, instead of turning left, turn RIGHT!!!

You will see the FINISH LINE right in front of you, proceed through the finsih line and your chip timer will stop and record your final time!

Just to let you know that I completed this twice. I did a dry-run to see how long it would take me. Here are my times:

Lap 1 - 2:36
Lap 2 - 2:22
Lap 3 - 2:31
Lap 4 - 2:57

Four rounds without lap times. Total time of 19 minutes and 11 seconds. Thats 4 times up and 4 times down.

Sign up for our March 13th 2011 event here!!!!!

Till next time!

Trevor Folgering
The Canada StairClimbing Association

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Run Your Own Stair Climb Race In Your City!

Are you a fit, business minded Individual? Do you want to help individuals meet their fitness and health goals? Do you want to help thousands of women through the charity THE SHELTER FOUNDATION?

If you answered YES to all of these questions then you may be a perfect fit to run your very own stair climb event in your city!!!

Stair Climbing or Stair Racing is fast becoming the way to become fit and healthy. Not only is this a safe and effective way to get healthy and slice through body fat but it is FREE to do and is safe for the environment!

THE CANADA STAIRCLIMBING ASSOCIATION is seeking Licensing partners in your area to hold and run their very own stairclimbing event!

Our ASSOCIATION will stand by you 100 percent and make sure your event is successful!

All the tools will be provided to you to make sure you will be successful!

You will receive the following from our ASSOCIATION:

-A six month stair race "blueprint" showing you step by step what to do to set up your stair climb event, right up till the day of the event!

-A 20 page marketing power package to help you reach your desired participant!

- A Sponsorship Package, included in this is a sponsorship letter, Sponsorship opportunity package and Sponsorship Price Point Presentation.

- Our Diamond Sponsor "Royal Lepage Realty" who will provide marketing materials for the event as well as provide volunteers for the event and be THE place to pick up the official race kits!

- THE CANADA STAIRCLIMBING ASSOCIATION will also provide live support by 2 staff to run first stair climb race in each city launched.

-Emcee will be provided by THE CANADA STAIR CLIMBING ASSOCIATION for first stair climb event!

If this business opportunity seems like a great fit for you, please contact one of the following individuals:

Executive Licensing Director - Jacqueline Curl -


Founder/President - Trevor Folgering -

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Canada Stair Climbing Association

Get Fit Fast With Our Fitness Tips of The Month
Tip of the Month for November 2010

Training should be viewed not just about the physical workload placed on the body, but the mental limits set on the mind. Many people do not realize how much the mind plays into becoming fit and healthy. The mind plays an important role in the strength of your body. For best results add in visualization work at the end of each workout session. Lie with your feet up against a wall, close your eyes and imagine what your body is going to look like. Train your mind to believe you already have the body and health of your dreams. What the mind believes the body will achieve!


Nutrition is the critical component that links your work and the results you get. Really its the missing link behind the physical workouts. You can have all the amazing workouts in the world, but if your missing link is nutrition then you will not get the results you are after! Make sure to think of your body as a high performance car. You do not put in diesel fuel into a high performance car, nor would you put in processed sugary junk into your body. Make sure to eat clean burning carbohydrates, ample amounts of proteins and healthy polyunsaturated fats and drink plenty of water!


Climbing multiple sets of stairs is a great activity that burns more calories then running, lifting weights or any other type of cardiovascular activity. WHY? Because you are moving your center of gravity vertically, creating great demands on the muscular system and cardiovascular package. No other type of sport (aside from running up mountains) creates the need for vasts amounts of oxygen and ample amounts of explosive activity from the lower body. For best results start slow and increase the amount of stairs climbed during each session!
For more information and specific exercises designed for stair climbers become a member!

Visit our website for more info!!

Trevor Folgering

Friday, November 5, 2010

Explosive Bounds with resistance tubing.

Check out this amazing exercise to help your explosiveness in stair climbing!!!!!

The Key to Top Fitness and Health Performance

What is the true definition of fitness?? Is it how much weight you can push, how flexible you are, or how long you can stay in the gym for??

Well no, the true definition of fitness is as follows:

Being able to do more work in less time!

Thats it! Really in a nut shell if I have person A training for an hour and Person B trains for an hour, but person A does 12 exercises and Person B does 5, then Person A is more fit then Person B!

Pretty simple isnt it?

But the fun really begins when you start increasing your own fitness levels to higher and higher levels, testing how much your body can really handle in a given amount of time.

What really is fascinating to me is how fast the body can adapt to this type of training.

Next time you want to see how fit you are see how many exercises you can do in an hour.
Try supersetting, tri-setting or even running through circuits. Any of these are acceptable forms of pushing the body to new heights.

You will be surprised from week to week how quickly your body will transform and get fitter. It doesnt take long especially if you are on top of your nutrition.

Goal for you: Increase your fitness level by adding two exercises every week, and next time you see that big burly bodybuilding pushing heavy weights, youll know that you will be more fit them he is!

Good luck and Have fun!

Trevor Folgering
Canada StairClimbing Association

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Individual Climb for Regina Stair Race Explained

Hey everyone!

I have been getting a lot of people asking me which Tier they should race in for our race on March 13th 2011.

I will go over our Tier system and how you decide which Tier to go into.

Tier 1 - Beginner stair climber. This is for novices only. Someone who has never experienced or completed a stair climb race before. He or she may have been training for 3 months, 6 months or even a year, but has never really completed a stair race and is not sure what to expect.

In the event the Tier one athletes complete 25 stories or one time up the Delta Hotel stair well.

Tier 2 - Intermediate Stair Climbers - Someone that has completed ANY kind of endurance race, whether that is finishing a 5km race, or a stair race with us, or any other stair race around the world. You must have finished some type of endurance race or have been training for minimum of six months in order to get into this Tier. You can also enter into Tier 2 by finishing in the TOP 3 in Tier 1.

Tier 2 races 50 stories or twice up the Delta Hotel stair well.

Tier 3 - Advanced Stair Climbers - Any athlete that has completed any stair race in the world and has finished top 10 in their respective age category. Or anyone from Tier 2 that finishes TOP 3.


Tier 4 - The Elite Athletes - Our Pros! The best of the best race at this level. Come out and see some amazing stair climbers push their bodies to the limits and burn some rubber on the stairs! - To qualify to enter the Elite category you must finish TOP THREE in the advanced category.

Tier 4 races 100 stories up or four times up the Delta Inn Stairwell!


Do you have more questions about our Tier system?? Visit our website at

or send us an email at

Trevor Folgering
The Canada StairClimbing Association

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Stair Climbing For the Older Adult

There are many people who can be benefit from stair climbing. One of the populations that has not been talked about is the older adults, or seniors.

Why Stair Climbing for the Older Adult?

Many seniors have trouble with their hip musculature as they age. This is because as we age generally speaking we are less and less active. We sit around more, and are bodies become more "fragile." The senior may become more prone to illness or colds which will in turn make them less active.

As an adult who is aging this is not a good sign. The less active you are the heavier the senior may become leading to more pressure on the hip, knee and ankle joint. This additional pressure puts more stress on the overall musculature of the lower body, especially the hip region.

This "snowball effect" leads to many hip surgeries. Its unfortunate but the easiest way to actually remedy this problem is simply to use your own bodyweight. No weights are needed, no fancy machines, just you and a set of stairs.

A caveat please, if you already have hip problems please seek the guidance of a health professional before beginning any stair climbing program.

Why Stair Climbing?

Stair climbing is a natural human movement that human beings have done since the beginning of time. We all have climbed a flight of stairs in our lives no matter how little activity we have done.

The great thing about stair climbing is that it is a "natural movement" meaning it causes no injury to the human body. In fact if done properly under the supervision of a health professional, someone with hip issues should be able to strengthen the hip joint and surrounding musculature with ease.

The key is to start of very slowly climbing stairs. We will be blogging about starting a stair climbing program for seniors shortly.

There are many examples of older stair climbers who have done very well and maintain excellent hip and cardiovascular health well into their 80's and 90's.

One example of an "Older Adult" Stair Climber is Anthony Simanavicius who is 53 years young!

Anthony is a great example of someone who began climbing stairs not to long ago and made terrific gains!

Twice a year he competes in the CN Tower Climb in Toronto, Ontario Canada. His time this year was 13 minutes and 58 seconds, beating many climbers who are 20 or 30 years younger then he is! The average time to climb the CN Tower is 20-30 minutes for males and 25-35 minutes for females.

Of course you do not have to have a goal of completing the CN Tower in 14 minutes or even a goal to climb the CN Tower, but that would be great!

A goal for the senior is to start of slow and perhaps just climb a flight a day. Thats it! All you have to do is start!

For more information on stair climbing please visit

or phone 1-877-51-CLIMB

In True Health,

Trevor Folgering
The Canada StairClimbing Association

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Training for A Stair Climbing Race...Without Climbing Stairs

So your wanting to compete in a stair climbing race but do not have a proper set of stairs to train on. What do you do?? Is it even possible? Can you get a good time by NOT training on stairs.


Tip #1 - Training with weights

One of the overlooked aspects of stair climbing is training with weights. Many athletes do not want to train with weight due to the misconception that they will become bulky and carry to much weight for a stair climbing race.

Just the opposite will happen. You will become more efficient and quicker stair climber. The secret is to train smarter, not harder in the weight room.

Secret Tip - Train with your bodyweight only:
Your not a bodybuilder or powerlifter so you shouldn't train like one. For a stair climber the best exercises to choose from are exercises that use the most amount of muscle per repetition. For examples please go to featured exercises on our website.

Tip #2 - Train Hamstrings More then the front of your legs Since climbing stairs involves more hamstrings and glute muscles you must train them to be the stronger and more dominant muscle in the leg. Make sure to train hamstrings and glutes (buttocks) first thing in the week. You must also train the outside of the hips as well as this is usually the weaker link for the stair climber.

Tip #3 - Become an efficient Cardio Master. Since you do not have stairs to train on, the next best thing is to have an amazing cardiovascular program to fall back on.

You just train on either s stepmill or stair master. Make sure to start doing interval training at least 8 weeks before the big race. begin with 30 seconds on 30 seconds off and to increase your intervals every week. Ex: - 1 minute on - 30 seconds off.

The key in your cardiovascular training sessions is to train near or above your lactate acid threshold. Your heart rate should be close to 75-85 percent of your maximum. You should try to mimic the stair climb race as much as possible. To figure out your lactate acid threshold heart rate: 220-age x .75-.85.

Try to hold that heart rate for as long as you can. You may only at the beginning be able to hold a 75 percent max heart rate for only 5 minutes, but over time you should be able to improve this number significantly.

Tip #4 - Rest For Better Results
The one thing you can do for your body is to make sure you get enough rest. This includes 8 hours of sleep, but also requires you to schedule proper rest days. Make sure to take a full two days off a week, especially if your getting ready for an important race! An example of a training schedule follows:

Sunday - Long cardio session
Monday - Weights
Tuesday - interval training
Wednesday - OFF
Thursday - Weights
Friday - Interval training
Saturday - OFF

I hope this helps those of you who have no stairs to train on for a stair climbing race.

For more information about stair climbing go to

or Phone


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The CN Tower Stair Climb, October 2011...The results

Ahhh it all over! The big race up the CN Tower 2011 has ended. I wanted to share my experience with everyone on this amazing race!

The CN Tower is 144 stories or 1,776 steps of pure pain and pleasure! It was great fun to get up at 4 am and go down and meet some amazing people! This was my 10th time racing up the tower and I must say it was the best race I have had so far.

I arrived at the tower at 5 am Saturday October 23rd and was greeted by many people who were already standing in line. I lined up and got ready to register.

I had an amazing film crew film my warm-up and stretching routine. I will post this as soon as they have completed the video.

My plan was to climb as fast as I could to the 72nd floor and then keep on pushing until I had nothing left.

The beginning of the race was great. We had timing chips on which made the race that much more accurate and exciting. As I began to climb I had a burst of energy and really pushed hard.

I made it to the 72nd floor in 5 minutes. This was a new record for me as it took me longer to reach mid way previous climbs. I continued to really push myself, pulling on the handrails and driving up two steps at a time. It was great!

I knew I was close to beating my PB. As I climbed I really noticed my lungs hurting. It is never the legs that hurt, its always the lungs.

The best feeling is getting to the 144th floor and swiping that chip timer over the mat. Its over and done. 11 minutes of pain and hurt DONE!

The best thing about the climb is after its all over you have to climb another 6 floors! OUCH!

As I got to the observation deck I was the first climber there and was greeted by the volunteers. I pumped my fists in the air and smiled. I loved the feeling of being the first climber to the top.

As others finished many people commented how fast I was going. It was a great feeling to be complimented by other athletes.

I finished the climb in 11 minutes and 19 seconds. Second overall in the public climb and 3rd overall for 12,000 total climbers.

I still have been denied beating the 10 minute mark and proving that it can be done!

In April I will beat the 10 min mark!

Now I am taking a nice week off to myself, and letting my body heal and relax.

In True Health,

Canada StairClimbing Association

Monday, October 18, 2010

Want a Cheap Alternative to the Gym? Try Stair Climbing!

By Janice Lloyd, USA TODAY

Lindy Goss says she is the anti-jock.
The mother of three daughters and wife of a golf coach has zero interest in hitting the gym or a golf ball.

READ: More ways to stay fit on the cheap
But don't underestimate her fitness level: Goss is hooked on a form of exercise that is rising in popularity. It has helped her drop a dress size, improved her overall strength and endurance and supports a cause close to her heart.

Goss, 38, is training to climb the 103 floors of the Willis Tower when the second annual SkyRise Chicago takes place Nov. 14. She and several girlfriends are lifers, she says, after trekking up the 2,109 steps last year and helping raise funds for the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. "I'm definitely healthier because of this," says Goss, whose father-in-law has been a patient at the institute. "We weren't at all winded afterwards."

Their training is one of the least expensive ways to get healthy. They meet twice a week at a high-rise condo near Goss' home in Evanston, Ill., and head to the stairwell. "We have to do it as early as possible to get it over with," Goss says. "It's still exercise. The hard part is finding time."

Stair climbing is one of the best ways to strengthen the glutes and leg muscles, according to the American Council on Exercise. It's a great cardiovascular workout and burns more calories than jogging and walking.

Events are held in skyscrapers and towers all over the world. One of the first was in 1977 at New York's Empire State Building (1,577 steps to the observation deck), which celebrated its 33rd climb in February. There are hundreds of climbs and "tower running" events.

Goss and girlfriends do not race. "We see the people with their sweatbands and outfits, doing their stretches beforehand," she says. "It looks kind of silly, really." But everyone has priorities. "I dropped a full dress size to a size 6," she says. "I definitely lost weight on my hips."

In addition to two days of stair climbing, she and her friends walk or jog other days as part of their training. That routine would meet the federal guidelines for physical activity if they did it all year, but they only train in preparation for this event. Goss took up training again in August.

Fitness experts applaud her efforts but would like to see her step it up a notch.

"You need to do cardio work three to five days a week," says Barbara Bushman, an exercise physiologist at Missouri State University. "And it has to be a habit to get the full health benefits."

One huge benefit for Goss: Hitting the steps is a major stress buster. "We talk all the way up the stairs, complaining about work and other things," says Goss, a real estate agent in the Chicago suburbs. "You find by the time you get there, you're feeling much better about everything."

Saturday, October 16, 2010

For The Beginner Stair Climber

Oh what amazing fun, climbing sets of stairs! NO? Not fun for you right? Do you feel somewhat anxious and scared looking at all the flights of stairs to climb?

Lets start with the basics of how to climb stairs

Tip #1 - Going DOWN!

Yes the best way to start climbing stairs is to climb down stairs. It is easier on the cardiovascular system going down 25 flights of stairs then going up 25 flights of stairs. Yet your quadriceps get a more efficient workout going down flights of stairs then going up.

Begin by starting at a top of a large building and going down to the bottom. The slower you can climb down stairs the better it will be for your legs. Take the elevator up and continue this process at least 4-5 times more.

You will be surprised that the next day you will experience muscle soreness in your legs and yet you never climbed a single set of stairs!

Tip #2 - Climb like a "heel"

The trick to climb stairs is to plant the heel of the foot down on every second step. By planting the heel down and pushing from the heel you will be able to contract more hamstring and butt muscles. This will allow you to become a more stronger and more efficient stair climber. Always climb slowly. Do not rush your pace. You should really try to "feel" the muscles contract. Dont just go through the motions.

Tip #3 - Build onto your foundation

The above two tips are the foundation for stair climbing. Just like building a house you want to complete and continue to develop your stair climbing. Once you have mastered the above two tips, the next step is to focus on increasing your muscular conditioning in your legs and your cardiovascular capacity. Both will come quickly if you stay the path. Stair climb twice a week: Ex - Monday and Saturday. Each time out try to break your previous best.

For example if you climbed up 10 floors and then stopped to take a break,go to floor 11, then take your break. Always keep the mind hungry and your body wanting more!

Keep the workout short and sweet 45 minutes max! Remember to stretch afterwards, especially the front, back of the legs and the sides of the hip!

For more information check out the rest of our blogs!!! Dont forget to join our nin community!

Until next time!

Trevor Folgering
Canada StairClimbing Association

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Top Tips On Getting Ready For a Stair Climbing Race

Getting ready for a stair climbing race takes a lot of tough physical and also mental preparation.

Whatever level you are at, whether your a beginner stair climber or advanced stair climber there are specific strategies that you should employ to help you achieve your personal best on race day.

This article will only look at the last week or so before the competition, not the months leading up to the race.

Last Week Mental Preparation

Lets say the stair race is Saturday morning at 9 am. We must be able to come into this race feeling completely relaxed and confident.

When I race there are a lot of competitors who are nervous, or unsure of how quick they will race up the building. Many competitors are even questioning their own abilities before the race even starts!

I never race like this. You must come into the race 100 percent mentally focused. Especially in a stair race where 80 percent of the race is mental! Even if you are not the fastest, you must act like you are. Take control of your emotions!

If you are doubting yourself in your mind, the race is over before it has even begun. You should of worked on this during the physical preparation towards the race.

You should really begin mental preparations throughout your training, but during the last week, this is very important.

Make sure to do a lot of mental visualizations during the week. Especially as you fall asleep and wake up. Picture yourself climbing up those stairs as quick as possible, no pain in your legs, as fast as you can. Whatever images evoke feelings of confidence use them!

The day before the race your mind should be quiet and still. You know what you have to do. The body should feel relaxed. If you have done your tapering week right your legs should feel dynamite.

Taper for Better Results.

Your last hard stair climbing workout should be one full week out from the race. Your legs, Central Nervous System and all other musculature need a good rest considering all the hard workouts they have been through.

Many people train right up until Wednesday or Thursday of the event. However the body cannot completely recover with only two days rest. If you wait till the last minute to cut your training down the systems of the body will not have a chance to recover and you will end up going slower then you thought.

Here is a typical tapering scenario. You may alter this to fit your training week.

SATURDAY - Stair Run Time Trial OR Last "Long Stair Climb Training"
MONDAY - Last full body conditioning workout (30 minutes, stretch 30 minutes)
TUESDAY - 30 minutes light cardio - (stretch for a minimum of 30 minutes)
WEDNESDAY - Upper body conditioning only - 20 minutes, 10 minutes light cardio, 30 minutes stretcing
FRIDAY - Light spin on stationary bike - 20 minutes 40 minutes of stretching

This Tapering week allows for adequate recovery of both the CNS and the Muscular System and still allows you to do some light training. This system helps to loosen up the body and keep it relaxed for race day.

TIP #3

Stretching is one of the last things athletes think about. Yet it can help you better your time by minutes!


Because tight muscles do not contract properly limiting their range of motion. Think about how your hips help you climb stairs. If your hip flexors and the surrounding hip musculature are tight do you think that you will be able to climb up a flight of stairs efficiently? You won't be as efficient as you could be.

Therefore it is important to make sure you include stretching in every single workout and stretch more the week leading up to the event!

TIP #4
Increase Carbohydrates Slightly

We are not running a marathon, but you should increase your carbohydrate intake slightly starting no later then Wednesday morning.

After all the hard training that you have done for the event, a slight increase in carbohydrate intake will just help reload your muscles with needed glycogen (fuel) for the race.

You want to keep your carbohydrate intake under control. Do not shovel loads of pasta into your system. Divide your carbohydrates out evenly throughout the day and taper your carbohydrate intake down around 6pm.

Use a carbohydrate source that your system agrees with. Oatmeal, brown rice, and yams are all good choices. Stay away from white pasta, white potatoes and white bread. These foods are too processed and will spike your blood sugars to quickly, possibly leading to water retention which will slow you down.

Tip #5

This is a fun event after all! Go out there and give it your all, but in the end have a good time and after your finished give yourself a pat on the back and smile! Not many people can do what you just did!

If you have any questions regarding getting ready for a stair climbing event please contact me!

In True Health

The Canada StairClimbing Association

Friday, October 8, 2010

Plan Your Fitness Strategy Like You are Going to War!

Most people fail at the game of fitness because they fail to plan. What is that famous saying again?

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."

This is so true and you must be able to plan your fitness strategy from the fist day you want to get fit. Do whatever it takes! I will outline some of the most important strategies below.

You must be like the general taking his solders to war!You must be very diligent and make sure that everything is taken care of, from your nutrition to your training, and you must be able to break this down to the hour. You must become obsessed. (Yes most people hate that word...but these are the people who lead an average life, with an average body. You want more then that.

Can you imagine if there was a war going on and the commander of the war was very indecisive???

"Lets see, Ill take 50 solders, hmmm no maybe 100?? Ill take some bullets, and some explosives ...not sure how many ...but yeah ...ohh no wait ..I need land mines too ...or is that hand grenades?? Oh yeah ..well ill take a few of those to, and maybe some tanks...Naa, forget the tanks."

The above scenario would never happen, but most people who try to get fit do the EXACT SAME THING!

"Let's see, ill work out this week 3x next week. Oops, I forgot to workout on Wednesday. Maybe I should go out with the guys this weekend, Ill only have a few wings, and no beer. Oops...I had a beer ..Oh well, I think Ill hit the gym harder, next week. I am so tired at 6am ...I cant get up, do I really need to get up this early? What if I eat good for Monday, Wednesday and Friday and then I can have fun during the weekend?" Yeah that seems ok."

It does not look like this person will ever reach his fitness goals if he thinks like this.

You must be exact on your fitness routine, and exact on your nutrition! PERIOD!

Now another question to ask yourself is how much are you willing to give up? Sure its nice to talk the talk, but when push comes to shove most people can't give up the things they love.

Remember this, for everything you gain you give up something else.

For myself I have had to give up many, many things in order to be fit and healthy, but thats my priority and no one else's No one cares about your health as much as you should!

Ive had to give up a lot of my friends because they just didn't understand why I was going to bed at 9:30. I couldn't go out to the bars and have a good time, I didn't go out with friends to a pub and drink beer and wings. Mind you, it didn't seem like a big sacrifice anyways.

I am just saying that If you want amazing health you will have to sacrifice and give up things that you love to do. And do not be surprised if you lose friends. Its part of the game of fitness. Sad but true ....what kind of friends were they anyways???

So here are the top three strategies you need to focus on.

1) Nutrition - The most important strategy of all. If you do not have a good strategy for your nutrition you will fail. PERIOD. You must be able to break your nutrition to the exact hour and know what and when to eat. For detailed information on nutrition check out the fitness freebies on the Canada StairClimbing website

2) Training - Second strategy comes into training. If you are not sure how to properly train, hire a trainer for a month and get good advice and a good system of how to workout. Ask a lot of questions.

3) Mental Conditioning - I would almost rank this at #1. Your mental outlook on what your body can accomplish is set by your mind and your thinking. Negative thoughts and poor mental conditioning will for sure bring you down. Always talk positively to yourself. Key Phrases:

1) I am fit and healthy
2) My body is a fat burning machine
3) No one can stop me from reaching my fitness goals.
4) I am a machine
5) I am on top of my nutrition
6) Every meal I eat is one step closer to a lean, sexy, fit and healthy body
7) I am in control of my body and my health!

There are more. Make up phrases that fit your life and situation.

I wish you luck, and remember, plan your fitness strategy like your going to WAR!

The Canada StairClimbing Association

Monday, October 4, 2010

Mind + Body + Spirit = The Spiritual Connection That We All Seek

What is Spiritual Fitness?

Spiritual Fitness is the ultimate connection with your body. Being active is far more then just physical exercise. Being active is only a small part of what fitness truly means.

One of the reasons that most people do not stick to a fitness program is that they do not value a true intimate connection with themselves. They view exercise as obtaining a goal rather then obtaining an inner connection with who they really are.

Yes having a fitness goal is very important, but it really is a superficial way of viewing fitness. Have you experienced setting a goal (fitness or other) and then obtaining the goal and saying to yourself "Is this all there Is?"

I know I have been there. Its a pretty scary place to be. I remember early on in my fitness career I set a specific goal to be a certain weight, and when I got there I still was not happy!

Being spiritually fit, is viewing fitness from a different angel. That angle is that every time you are exercising or working out you are connecting with yourself. You are feeding your spirit.

Getting in touch with that deep place is scary for a lot of people. Many people live from the neck up, meaning they have disconnected their minds from their bodies. They have forgotten how to actually get in touch with their spiritual side.

Now I know your reading this and thinking "You have lost it Trevor!" But what I am saying has so much relevance that once you tap into this side of fitness you will become addicted! Truly addicted, because every time you work out you actually be spending time with you! You will be nurturing your body and developing from the inside out, rather from the outside in!

Its a big hurdle to leap over, but once you get there it is amazing. Many many times I have felt actually high from working out and I have a feeling of being on cloud nine. Connection with yourself is so important!

I hope you can find that connection with yourself through fitness, it is a great place to be!

Till next time!

The Canada StairClimbing Association

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Consequence of Fitness

Everything we do in life has a consequence, small or large. Every decision and every action we take there is a positive or negative reaction.

It is the same with your lifestyle pattern. Every lifestyle choice we make has some type of consequence, either small or large.

Even the simplest choices, which seem minor at the time can add up to huge negative consequences.

For example, thinking that chocolate bar won't hurt you down the road? Think again. Cutting out refined sugars like the ones found in chocolate bars will help you lose an average of 10 lbs per year!

Another example is drinking alcohol. Sure its fun to go out a get a little crazy, but alcohol and smoking cause a significant negative consequence on your health for the long term.

On the flip side, Choosing to eat 5-6 servings of vegetables a day, eating healthy protein and exercising every day has a positive and rewarding consequence.

Look at the actions you are taking in your life. Are they the actions that have positive consequences, or are they hurting and destroying the quality of life that you want for the long term.

We must remember that self-gratification is not the goal for living. We must take a step back a realize that in order to live a healthy life we must forgo our impulses and make sure that we are choosing healthy lifestyle choices.

So the next time you reach for that chocolate think about the negative consequences that that one little piece of chocolate can do for you.

Take control of your lifestyle patterning and enjoy a fulfilling fitness filled life!

Until next time...


Monday, September 27, 2010

One Week Out For the Endurance Athlete

Well its one week out from the big event!

The last week is really what can make or break a performance. Your mental state should be at peak states. You should also have a solid nutritional game plan that you will not diviate from no matter what!

In this short introduction to Peak Week, I will discuss what is the best approach for an endurance athlete to get ready for the big race

Trial Run

What is most important to understand before putting your last weeks game plan together is that most of the information that is out there may not work for your body. Our bodies can be quite sensitive to the foods that are digested, so what may work for one athlete may not quite work for others. This is why its not a good idea to take too much advice from your athletic friends. It could end up hurting you in the end.

What is best to do is have a "Last Week Trail Period" where you do a mock last week preparation to see what your body can handle and what it cant. This should be done when your close to peak physical state. Anywhere from 3-6 weeks out from a major event. This way you have a better understanding of what may or may not work for your body.

Carbohydrate Loading Explained

Carbohydrate Loading is the process of loading more "energy supplies" (Called Glycogen) into the muscles by eating more carbohydrates then normal.

Unfortunately most endurance athletes take a wrong approach to Carbohydrate Loading and gain no appreciable results by trying this approach.

For many endurance athletes they will devour huge amounts of carbohydrates the night or day before the big race thinking that this will allow them to have a better race the next day.

The body does not work this way. It actually takes a full three to four full days for all your glycogen stores to fill up.

"Glycogen" is two or more glucose atoms binded together. Glucose is the bodies simplest form of energy to use and we get it from eating any type of carbohydrate not including vegetables.

Also another problem that most endurance athletes run into is that they eat plenty of carbohydrates already (55% or more in the diet) which means their glycogen stores are already maxed out or pretty close to full.

This means that the carbohydrate loading process will be wasted. Therefore doing any type of carbohydrate load this way will lead to a sluggish performance. There will be too much glycogen in the muscles already and any extra glycogen may be stored in the adipose or fat tissue. Also by eating pasta the night before you risk actually feeling bloated and holding water, which will decrease performance times.

The best way to actually do a correct Carbohydrate load is to actually do a small carbohydrate depletion for three to four days followed by the final carbohydrate load three to four days from the event.

You need to keep in mind that this can be very trial and error, which means that you need to do at least one mock trial run before your event. In addition you actually need to be TRAINING through the carbohydrate depletion stage for the effect to actually work. So lets break this down starting on the last long run before the event. (You long run at this point should be closer to 12-15 km for a marathon and 8-10 km for the half)

Long Run
Carbohydrate Intake - Drop to Half of normal intake. (no lower then 100 grams)
Increase protein intake, 1gram per lb of bodyweight
Lots water, intake of vegetables high

Day Off -
Drop Carb Intake to 50 grams total
Keep Protein Intake High
Drop down vegetable intake slightly
Lots of water

No more then 5km run or 30 minutes of cardio, stretching
Carb Intake - O grams

Tuesday -
30 minutes of light cardio (No running) go to a gym and bike or use a elliptical
Carb Intake 0 grams

At this point you should feel not that great. Grumpy and tired is normal. You really should feel lethargic. This is perfect, you have primed your body correctly.

Carbohydrate Load (Dirty Load first)
At this point you want to take advantage of the delicate enviornment that you have created in your body.

The blood sugars and glycogen should be low and your body should be craving all sorts of carbs. Start off the day with simple carbs, anything that will push your blood sugar level up quickly. Start off your day with simple sugars, then 30 minutes later go for your first meal. Oatmeal is a great choice, and mix it with honey or some simple sugars.

Stay with eating simple sugars till halfway though the day and then switch out to healthier carbohydrates. For example small amounts of potatoes, yams, beads, go light on the pasta. Try to mix each small snack with a small amount of protein. (Yogurt and cottage cheese, or rice and chicken.)

In the morning you need to be eating simple carbohydrates at least every hour and then in the afternoon switch your meal frequency to every two hours.

Carb Intake should be approx 150-175 grams
Reduce or limit vegetables at this point




Keep feeding the body healthy carbohydrates. You can still mix in simple sugars, but keep it only to the mornings. Eat every two hours. If you can, try to find something that is fast and easy to eat and you can eat over and over again.

Eliminate all vegetables from diet!


The day before the event is the best day of all! You have made it. My advice is to take the day off of work and kick back and relax, apart from doing a small amount of cardio in the morning (30 minutes max) spin the legs out, and do A LOT OF STRETCHING. (You should be doing stretching all along the training program, but at this point its important to stretch for at least a good 30 minutes.)

Carbohydrate intake should be past normal and you should be eating carbohydrates every two hours. No vegetables or fibrous carbohydrates. You want to make sure that you do not have "loose bowels" when you race. Keep up the carbohydrate and water intake until 6pm, then slowly taper off the carbohydrates. Do not have any carbohydrates after 6pm. Let your body relax at this point. Do some visualization and relaxation techniques. Stretch if you need to, and don't forget to smile when you think of all those athletes who are eating pasta to "trick" their bodies to fill up the night before!

What should you feel at this point in your body??? Your legs should be loose and not feeling heavy. You should have loads of energy and the body should be running like a machine! Hopefully from all the training you have completed you are feeling relaxed and confident. Trust in yourself, your training and your correct carbohydrate loading techniques and enjoy the race!

In True Fitness,

Trevor Folgering